empiric [ɛmˈpɪrɪk]
1 (Medicine) a medical quack
2 (Comedy) an excellent night out on Tuesday 25th July at the Stand, Edinburgh
What better way to celebrate 100 years of life changing work by the medical research council, than getting a bunch of actual researchers to do a stand-up comedy show about that sort of thing?
Richard Sharpe - Morning Glory
Greg Armstrong - Womb for Improvement
Robert Gray - Fifty Shades of Gray
Jon Mooney - Hazardous Waists
Andy MacLeod - The C Word
Lynsey Hall - Warning! May Contain Nuts
With MC Susan Morrison
And Simon Watt from Channel 4’s "Inside Nature’s Giants"
We have no actual evidence to support the view that laughter is the best medicine, but we do know how to stimulate your funny bone.
Once again, we present the rarest jokes in the business - so come and laugh along as interesting, funny people share gags and silliness about what they know best – their own work.