Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X Twitter . You can also contact us through (As of 2024 Bright Club Edinburgh is being organised by Bekka and Kat)

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Bright Club Edinburgh #47 argent

Bright Club Edinburgh #47 "Argent"
Tuesday 30 October @ The Stand Comedy Club

Robbie Bushe - paints his day
Bruce Davies - drilled to the core
Claire Field - professional overthinking
Mark Huxham - bad reasons for research
Lucy Oldham - this little piggy went ballistic
Anna Schilling - nuts about squirrels
Sabine Weber - how to google
With compere Jay Lafferty

Doors at 7.30pm, show begins 8.30pm
(5 York Place EH1 3EB)

Tickets £5 available on the door
& from

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Bright Club Edinburgh #46 Greeting

It's our 7th birthday - and we plan to celebrate by doing what we were going to do anyway - blending of comedy with nuggets of nerdery.

Sophie Quick - If I only had a brain...
Isaac Shaw - Are you kidneying me?
Steve Lee - 'Love Island' for trees
Cat Salvini - The c words
Anna-Maria Maciejuk - A-pop-corn-tosis
Scott Humpherson - How not to fit in
Heather McQueen - Invisible geneticist
Julie Anne Meaney - Not OK Google

With compere and contrast: Susan Morrison

Tuesday 24th July at The Stand (doors 7:30, show begins 8:30)
Tickets £5 on the door and in advance from The Stand

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Bright Club Edinburgh 45.0 clout

Tuesday 29 May at the Stand, Edinburgh

Adam Cook - Archaeology confessions
Alex Perry - Britain's slowest scientist
Amy Warnock - Master rat tickler
Bona Prakasa - Smart wells, depressed engineers
Craig Turner - Mr green fingers
Edel Mc Glanaghy - Not only a plot twist
Neil Mackinnon - Down with the kids
Thomas Lambert - AutomaTom: Still not self-aware
Wilhelmiina Toivo - Science of swearing

With compere Phil O'Shea

Doors at 7:30 pm, Show begins at 8:30 pm.
Tickets £5 on the door and in advance from

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Bright Club Edinburgh 44.0 untitled

Tuesday 27 February at the Stand, Edinburgh

More of the same novel material

Julie Anne Meaney “Let me just plug your child in”
Aurélien Ammeloot “Post Viva Teaching Blues”
Arek Dakessian “T Minus 200 Friends”
Angelos Stamos “Third year, the struggle is real!”
Sébastien Dall'Ozzo “Anti-cancer Vampire”
Valentina Ferro “bad decision making, vaginas and lasers”

And Jojo Sutherland as compere

Doors at 7:30 pm, Show begins at 8:30 pm.
Tickets £5 on the door and in advance from