Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X Twitter . You can also contact us through (As of 2024 Bright Club Edinburgh is being organised by Bekka and Kat)

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Bright Club Edinburgh 43.0 undedicated

The Funny Returns - and then some...
Tuesday 31 October at the Stand, Edinburgh

Stephen Lawrie - Standing Up For Psychiatry
Zoe Wyatt - Black Hole Canapes
Arek Dakessian - Unintended Life Choices
Suzan Brok - Dracula And The Drug Cartel
Kathryn Rezai - PhD: Pretty Hilarious Disaster
Sébastien Dall'Ozzo - Anti-Cancer Vampire
Valerie Bentivegna - Singing Her Way Though PhD
Valentin Popov - Economist Leaving The Dark Side
Maaria Genai - Up To Her Usual Devices

Stiched together by compere - Susan Morrison

Doors at 7:30 pm, Show begins at 8:30 pm.
Tickets £5 on the door and in advance from

Monday, 7 August 2017

BBC again

Apparently there are not enough things in the Edinburgh Fringe, so Bright Club has to come back and do another show at the BBC venue.

18:30 Sat 12 Aug 2017 BBC Blue Tent
This pun fact show is an academic comedy cocktail synthesised for your entertainment and enlightenment, blending comedy and research to create the rarest jokes. So come and laugh along as interesting, funny people share gags and silliness about what they know best – their own work.

We think the BBC is giving tickets out at the tent now - and that it is also worth turning on the night to see if you can get tickets

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Bright Club Edinburgh #42 Answer

Tuesday 25th July at the Stand Comedy Club, Edinburgh


Mhairi Aitken - Data dating
Philip Wadler - Compute & computability
Adam Julians - Holy mutual indwelling
Mark Brite - It’s a matter of perspective
Johnny Isaac - Repelling the law of attraction
Kat Kjellström Corbet - Rubbish dumping tips

With compere ** Jojo Sutherland **
& ** Susan Morrison ** headlining

This show is also our sixth birthday!
(that's about 25 in duck years)

Doors at 7:30, show at 8:30
Tickets £5 available on the door and in advance from The Stand

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Bright Club Edinburgh #41.0 Catch

Catch another dose of Bright Club Edinburgh on Tuesday 2 May
The Stand Comedy Club (York Place)
Doors at 7.30pm, show begins 8.30pm


Joy Jarvie - What the duck!
Sébastien Dall'Ozzo - Anti-cancer vampire
Keshav Bhatnagar - Humour us with a future
Liam Brierley - Animal maladies
Sam Abboud - Law, boll@x & Brexit
Pete Gwynne - ***CLASSIFIED***
Kate Cross -  Dear me!
Kirsty Graham - And then it hit me

With compere Susan Morrison

Tickets £5
available on the door & from

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Bright Club Edinburgh #40 Bearing

On course for more academic comedy
Tuesday 24 Jan @ The Stand Comedy Club Doors at 7.30pm, show begins 8.30pm  (5 York Place EH1 3EB)

Starring the well read:

Kat Rezai – girls don’t fart
Zac Baynham-Herd – peanut butter blockchain
Kat Kjellström Corbet – upcycling rejection
Adam Julians – naughty Santa
Mags Normand – dressing up with lasers
Rhiannon Grant – from mice to men
Maaria Ginai – liver let die

Revolving around compere Susan Morrison

Tickets £5
available on the door and from