Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X Twitter . You can also contact us through (As of 2024 Bright Club Edinburgh is being organised by Bekka and Kat)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Show #12.0 "Daze"

Bright Club Edinburgh 12.0 "daze"

Tuesday 18 Dec @ The Stand Comedy Club
Doors at 7.30pm, show begins 8.30pm

Ana Navarrete - Brain maniac (not a zombie)
Anne Pawsey - Going through a blue phase
Ellen Spaeth - Mind your music
Lewis MacKenzie - Mad scientist in training
Lucy Amsden - Class clown
Nicola Osborne - It’s a social media life

Plus a few fun festive extras to get the holidays started

Tickets £5
Available on the door and from The Stand


Tickets are now on sale for the next RBS Museum Late on 22nd February. We'll be there doing our Bright Club thing as part of the official entertainment.

There is still time to contact us about being part of the show.  As an added bonus, performers get into the Late for free!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh YourTube channel

Many of our performers have uploaded their videos to YouTube - you can now watch them on our own channel here!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Bright Club on the radio

Edinburgh Bright Clubbers Pete Gwynne and Dan Ridley-Ellis went to Bright Club Dundee's show in the Dundee Science Festival and ended up being broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland's "Good Morning Scotland" the following morning.  You can listen to it here.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh seeks performers

Fancy performing at Bright Club Edinburgh? Read this or go right ahead and sign up.

"Jam" show sees our 2000th audient

16 months since our beginnings, our show on the 23rd October 2012 saw our 2000th audient - whom we selected by means of a random number generator. The video is here

Friday, 12 October 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh 11.0 Jam

Bright Club Edinburgh 11.0 Jam
Tuesday 23 Oct @ The Stand Comedy Club
Doors at 7.30pm, show begins 8.30pm (5 York Place EH1 3EB)

Ann Addison : Dyson with death
Ellen Spaeth : Mind your music
Jonathas Soares : Spanish inquisitor
John Mooney : Hazardous waists
Lynsey Hall : Warning, may contain nuts
Ruth Morgan : It shouldn’t happen to a vet

With compere Joe Heenan and headliner Jim Park

Tickets £5 available on the door and from

(Download poster as pdf)

Monday, 8 October 2012

We have a form

Fancy having a go at performing? Then get in touch with us by completing this no obligation form. Then we can inform you of show openings and training workshops as soon as they come up.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh #11.0

The freshest thing in stand-up – straight from the research field to funny.  We bring you our pick of the finest comedic academics from Scotland's universities to tell you rare jokes that are authoritatively original and brilliantly entertaining. With Joe Heenan and Jim Park.

Tuesday 23 October
The Stand Comedy Club, (5 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EB)

Doors: 19:30 Show: 20:30
Tickets: £5.00 available from the Stand

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Bright Club Edinbrugh in the Fringe

The line up for our show in the Fringe with the BBC is:
Alan Kelly (University of Glasgow)
Callum Hill (Edinburgh Napier University)
Fiona Lethbridge (University of Edinburgh)
Kate Cross (University of St Andrews)
Keith Stevenson (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Zeenath Islam (The University of Edinburgh)
Sunday 26th August at 8:30pm in the BBC @Potterrow tent. Tickets are all allocated, but we'll let you know if more become available.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

#9.0 Party! 25 July

Exciting times! Tickets from our birthday show are available from this place: It's cheaper if you book in advance!

We'll be releasing more details as we get closer to the show - you'll be getting the same of our usual style of academic comedy, but with some birthday treats thrown in!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

#8.0 Summary 12 June

We return to The Stand comedy club in Edinburgh.
Doors at 7:30pm  Show starts 8:30pm

With compere Joe Heenan and improv from Stu and Garry
Tickets £5 available in advance from The Stand website

Dorothy Hardy - Tripping the light through plastic
Matthew Winning - EnvironMENTAL econHOHOmist
Véro Desnain - Nun the wiser
Dave Murray-Rust - James Bond meets the Matrix
Becky Price - Word conisseur
Kate Smith - Laughem ipsum

Poster in pdf

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh #7.1 Wonderland

Long since sold out, but for for the lucky ones with tickets, here are the details of our show at the Museum Late "Wonderland" on Friday 18th May.

We'll be there with a show in the auditorium at 7:30...which is not long after the doors open so be along in good time. The show is free and comes with a new duck badge for you to treasure always.

Our compere for the night is the wonderfully quick minded duck...sorry...duke of improv Stu Murphy. Our comedic academics are:

Gary Dorken "teaming up with bacteria"
Zeenath Islam "Mathematical heir to Lewis Carol"
Charlotte Bosseaux "au pays des merveilles"
Jon Soares "Spanish inquisitor"

A clean sweep for University of Edinburgh.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh at the Fringe

Very exciting news!  We're going to be back on the BBC@Potterrow stage again.  Sunday 26th August. 

More details will follow once we've stopped hyperventilating.

If you fancy being one of the people on stage, get in touch.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh #7.0 Reflection

We'll be back at the Stand - large as life and twice as natural - on Wednesday May 9th

Doors: 19:30
Show: 20.30
Tickets: £5.00 available on the door and in advance from the Stand's website

Our comedic academics are:

Kate Cross "Sex-obsessed" – University of St Andrews
Gary Dorken "Bacterial tag-team" – University of Edinburgh
Alison Eales "Disco vs. Jazz" – University of Glasgow
Alan Kelly "EngiNerd" – University of Glasgow
Rachelle Pascoe-Deslauriers "Unemployment is no joke" – University of Strathclyde
Jon Soares "Spanish inquisitor" –  University of Edinburgh

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Bright Club Presents...The Z-Axis

Bright Club: Bodies was an enormous success, but we literally never stop working here at Bright Club Towers. We're delighted to announce the line up for The Z-Axis, the world's first science festival fringe

The Z-Axis will be on the 14th of April (doors at 16:30), back at The Stand on York Place. If you want to be there at this historic world's first (and generally brilliant show), you can get tickets for a mere £5 on The Stand website: 

Susan Morrison will be returning to host, and will introduce...

Robbie Cooper - Psycho Logical
Jamie Gallagher - Is Hot 
Guy Jones - Comical Reaction
Gianfranco Matrone - Zebrafishiology
Karon McBride - Post-Newtonian Thinker
Rohit Parwani - A Wee Pint of Whisky

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh Bodies - Tomorrow!

Kindly supported by The Physiological Society
Thursday 5th April 8pm @ Ghillie Dhu
(Doors @7:45pm)
Hosted by top comedian Andy Zaltzman and supported by Kitsch Kats cabaret duo.

Prof Keith Stevenson ‘hanging out with the kids’(1)
Callum Johnston ‘trying to grow some brains’(2)
Gemma Sharp ‘womb raider’(3)
Dr Andy MacLeod ‘gene genie-us’(4)
Pete Gwynne ‘an ongoing experiment’(5)
Prof Callum Hill ‘it takes guts’(6)

Tickets £10/£8

(1) School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
(2) Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems, The University of Edinburgh
(3) MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, The University of Edinburgh
(4) Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiolgy, The University of Edinburgh
(5) School of Biological Sciences, The University of Edinburgh
(6) Forest Products Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Bright Club First Degree

Spring is here and Bright Club Edinburgh has a new arrival. We are proud to present "Bright Club Edinburgh First Degree".

We're not prepared to wait for people to become researchers before they make you laugh. "First Degree" presents, for the first time, some seriously funny undergraduates from the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.

Monday 2nd April, Banshee Labyrinth (Niddry St) at 7:30pm

Tickets are £3. Available here:

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Bright Club Edinburgh at EISF

Q) Why did the skeleton go to the comedy show?

A) To support the researcher doing stand-up.

"Bright Club Bodies" - Our big show in the Edinburgh International Science Festival. Sponsored by the Physiological Society. Hosted by top comedian Andy Zaltzman and supported by Kitsch Kats cabaret duo.

April 5th 8pm @ Ghillie Dhu.  Get tickets at the Science Festival website (they work for us now)

Fancy performing? 

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Science Festival Training Dates!

If you follow us on facebook you'll have been made constantly aware that we've got four shows coming up as part of the Edinburgh Science Festival. We need a whole tonne of acts to fill all the slots so we simply will not stop banging on about it until people sign up!

If you're of a (vaguely) sciencey mindset and have often thought "maybe I should try doing Bright Club, it looks like fun (also that Pete guy who talks about stress is super funny)" then this is your moment! Change that thought to "I'm going to sign up for the training session on the 20th of March (also that Pete guy who talks about stress is super funny)"

You can sign up here:

This is the first of two sessions that will tell you all you need to know about doing academic stand up. If you sign up, it's only a matter of time until you're on Mock the Week.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Glasgow 1st March

Bright Club Glasgow have a show on the 1st March in the Admiral.

Tickets here (£4 on the door)

Alison Eales - The Beegeeologist
Jamie Gallagher - Is hot
Richard Elliot McGonigle - Love and Microscopes
Struan Logan - Exploring Funnier Times
Lewis Roy - In the Humour Section
Alistair Gemmell - Brian Cox's Understudy

With Scottish comedian Siân Beven as your compère and Jay Bharaj as the musical act.
We sent several of our Bright Club Edinburgh Alumnuts to the previous Bright Club Glasgow show.

Tell them about the funny, mummy

Those of you with tickets to the Museum Lates Night of the Mummy (24th February, sold out), we are pleased to present our Luxory Comedy line up:

Sarah Artt – Mummified at the movies
Robin Andrews – Didn’t have the right chemistry
Callum Hill – Carbon skidmark
Kathryn Bedford – The unlikely truth

And our guide through the laughterlife: Eleanor Morton!

Tutankhamun join us for a pharaoh good night.

(Don't worry, these puns are not a reflection of the quality of our comedy. We just need to get them our of our system)