Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X Twitter . You can also contact us through (As of 2024 Bright Club Edinburgh is being organised by Bekka and Kat)

Monday, 29 August 2011

Bright Club Edinburgh comprehensively launched

Good news everyone: Bright Club Edinburgh is now well and truly launched. Our inaugural gig was on the 26th July at the City Cafe and we came back to do another inaugural gig on the BBC stage on the 24th August. I guess this means that, like the Queen, we have two birthdays. This is a good thing because we like a party.

Also in August we sent ambassadors of funny down to Wales for the Green Man music festival. Then, just as we performers were feeling a bit sad that our time in the limelight was coming to an end, the nice people at the Turing Festival invited us to come and make some more laughter last Saturday evening.

Now though, we must be good children and share our new toy. So at our next gig we'll have a totally new line up and, like the Doctor on fast-forward we'll be regenerating pretty much every month from now on. Details of the next gig still be sorted out, but set diaries to book: 20th September.

And, of course, if you are involved in university research we'd love to have you be funny with us. It is a total blast. You'll love it. 

Sunday, 28 August 2011

We're going to have a sister: Bright Club Glasgow

Bright Club, ‘the thinking person’s variety night’ is coming to Glasgow! Watch as academics from Glesga’s plethora of universities take to the stage, blending comedy with science, the arts and humanities... with a bit of live music thrown in for good measure.

If you're interested in helping to make this happen (either as a performer or organiser) then please get in touch ( ) or ‘like’ us on facebook:

As with Bright Club Edinburgh, researchers from ALL disciplines are welcome. Previous participants have included scientists, philosophers, archaeologists, engineers, historians… even mathematicians! Performers will receive full training prior to the night, with rehearsals and ample advice from a professional comedian. 

Thursday, 25 August 2011


So - we just did the big showbiz stage at BBC @ Potterrow in front of some 250 people and it was awesome fun.  Our assigned BBC butler said it was the most perfect audience they've had...but we already knew we had great friends.

We reprised our sets from the first gig at the City Cafe, distilled down to five (ish) minutes and with a few new surprises.  The line up was Hari Sriskantha, Andy Macleod, Dan Ridley-Ellis, Steve Earl, Zara Gladman, Dan Arnold, and Bright Club founder Steve Cross ...with compere Josie Long and music from Isy Suttie